Josef Heckl, manager for methods and tool said:
“The code is ten to twenty years old and written by generations of developers. There were no standards at this time. We searched the tool market and only ITP-PANORAMA was able to handle this amount of code!”
BMW made a Benchmark Test with and without ITP-PANORAMA. Two developers had to find all programs in a total number of 7,500 that had to be changed if a data field was extended by 3 digits. The two developers needed two weeks to find 24 programs. It took 10 minutes with ITP-PANORAMA to find all 26 programs that met the change criteria. Not only the time saving is impressive, the fact that all selections, searches and selections are always 100% correct is of high value.
BMW wanted an Asset Management to know in which country, cost center and project who the owner of applications and programs is. After BMW provided the data in a spreadsheet with 85,000 lines (one for each program) it took ITP only an hour to link the asset data in the daily run of the scanner that is linking the data to the programs.
Largest HyperCube Repository of BMW contains 60 Million LOC. It resides in in 8 G Bytes of memory. BMW purchased a server with 8 dual-processors and 128 Giga Bytes of RAM. ITP implemented multi-processing that can use all processors simultaneously for a search/selection. Response-time is to 2-3 seconds for the first search. The second search in the selected amount of data is already a fraction of one second.
Comment from BMW: “ITP-PANORAMA is the fastest repository by far. To improve the productivity of software maintenance, we are now starting with the roll out to a large number of developers!”